I get a kick out of him and really enjoyed him in The Trip. After the awful Holmes And Watson aired, it’s nice to see Steve Coogan playing a dramatic role.Fans of Game of Thrones: The Complete Seasons 1-7 Will be happy to see Natalie Dormer.Creating the Oxford Dictionary really was a huge undertaking that blessed all of the English-speaking world at the time. I love the idea of all of England contributing to one big project that would benefit them all.Sean Penn gives a very strong Dead Man Walking performance.I know he has fallen in and out of favor in Hollywood over the years, but I’ve always thought he was an extremely talented actor and director. I thought he was excellent in Braveheart. I loved hearing Mel Gibson with a Scottish accent again.“Only a most diligent life.” – Professor James Murray wrote this in his notebook.Discussion and some portrayal of a murder.If you’re a wordsmith, you’ll really enjoy this thoughtful film. The more I think about it, I might even change it to a solid A. I even changed my score from a B+ to an A. When I watched it the second time (after I filmed my review on my Movie Review Mom YouTube channel), I was able to pull out more nuanced moments from the actors and the themes. Honestly, the first time I watched it, I was a teensy bit bored. It’s hard to imagine that a movie about people writing a dictionary could be interesting, right? It IS and has many layers of meaning.

This film was directed by Farhad Safinia. Mel Gibson bought the film rights of the book back in 1999 and is finally bringing it to us on the Big Screen. This biopic is based on the book by Simon Winchester called The Surgeon of Crowthorne : A Tale of Murder, Madness and Love of Words MOVIE TITLE: The Professor and the Madman We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post when you make a purchase.