There is only one person-Jesus Christ-both human and divine-that was sinless.

From birth to death we're surrounded by sinners-fellow sinners-for we too are sinners. The rest is a chronicle of the tragedy of sin." Only four of them don't involve a fallen world: the first two and the last two-before the fall and after the creation of the new heaven and new earth. But as John MacArthur said, " There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. People with "itching ears" really don't want to hear about sin. And that explanation should lead us to some very bad news first. Should Christians be content and complacent knowing that they are safe and secure and delivered from sin and death and let the world around them go on as before unaware of the danger? Shouldn't the very fact that we're delivered lead us to want to spread the good news, the urgent news of the gospel?! Are we taking the good news for granted? Are we assuming that all people everywhere know the gospel and what Christianity is all about already without us having to do anything ever? Now salvation itself is a work of God from start to finish, but, God uses people like you and me to share the gospel, to proclaim the good news, to explain why the good news is, in fact, GOOD news. And it's a message that definitely needs reinforcement today. And we're all they got." The symbolism of the whole novel is undeniable-in my opinion-but it's especially compelling here. As Kip tells Molly, "there's a whole family at that house that needs saving" and "those folks are in trouble…Someone needs to go back to warn 'em before it's too late. Now that they've come to the truth and broken free, they feel compelled-and at great risk I might add-to go straight back to where they came from and warn others of the danger.

You might assume that that was enough-that that was 'the end' but it's not. They've escaped 'The Night Gardener' and are free from the sourwoods and the estate with its horrible secrets. What did I notice? Well, there comes a point in the novel where Kip and Molly are safe and secure. And it's one of the reasons why I chose to review the book on this blog instead of on Becky's Book Reviews. So one thing stood out for me the third time around.

And The Night Gardener is more than great, in my opinion. Great novels only improve upon rereading. Every element of this novel is to be savored. The Night Gardener is also a book to be savored. But not many novels have that again-again impulse. That isn't horribly unusual in a good picture book-especially if you're young or young at heart. It's one of those rare novels where you want to read it again almost as soon as you've turned the last page. I've now read The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier three times-three times in thirteen months.